Sunday, December 16, 2007



詩巫江濱公園的天鵝塑像聳立在拉讓江畔                                (許長國攝影)






詩巫,開埠於1860年之前,座落在馬來西亞最大的州-砂拉越(Sarawak)的最長河流,拉讓江(Rajang River)中游,離開南中國海約120公里。

拉讓江(Rejang River)是砂拉越人民,尤其是中區一帶的母親河。



  105年前(1901年)來自中國的福州人,在詩巫拉讓江畔及新珠山開闢新福州墾場,也設立美以美教會(現稱衛理教會Methodist Church)。信仰就一直是這批日出而作,日落而息的福州移民的生活指南針。


Feeback and comment:
顏晨自三洋大廈五樓Manna Cafe的回應:
leyasen 说...
Congratulation! Nice attempt.
Sibu's 3rd Swan mascot was laid onto the base of the foundation at Sibu Town Square at exactly 5.00 p.m. yesterday.
I was enjoying a plate of sea weeds @Rm2.00 & a cup of fresh cucumber juice @Rm2.50 at Manna Cafe & Gallery @ 5th floor, Wisma Sanyan and overlooking the settlement.
......How nice if the whole street be renovated (birds chased away), decorative trees well trimmed and all the operators of eating houses allowed to display tables & chairs outside at night along the parking lots(entry blocked)... all lit up, decorated and with piped music streaming in the air in a city of harmony... famous swan city in the making...
March 08, 2006 12:20 AM

5 评论:

kevenloo 说...
天鵝江畔 说...
leyasen 说...

Congratulation! Nice attempt.Sibu's 3rd Swan mascot was laid onto the base of the foundation at Sibu Town Square at exactly 5.00 p.m. yesterday. I was enjoying a plate of sea weeds @Rm2.00 & a cup of fresh cucumber juice @Rm2.50 at Manna Cafe & Gallery @ 5th floor, Wisma Sanyan and overlooking the settlement.Earlier I brought 2 teams to comb though 2 housing estates at Bukit Lima timur (Padang Ayam) & Jerrwit areas for illegal poultry rearing and issued a few warning notices... Then I went for a swim and completed 40 rounds (50m x 2 x 20 = 2,000m) at Delta Swimming Pool and later attended bible study class at night...Prayed for the victims of Foot, Mouth & Hands Disease & Bird Flu... like swimming in the Rejang River, swimming in the sea of knowledge...swimming in an ocean of grace...Never cease learning is a game worth playing like the swan playing in the on the www...Just finished watching "Crash" which landed on "Brokeback Mountain" as the best Oscar movie...Mere luck for Ang Lee who still managed to attain best director award - first ever for Asian. Makan Roti Canai at New Nuri Islamic Cafe right opposite the soon to be completed Everly Hotel - getting ready for Agung's Birthday Celebration, BCF & EATOF scheduled on 16.9.2006. How nice if the whole street be renovated (birds chased away), decorative trees well trimmed and all the operators of eating houses allowed to display tables & chairs outside at night along the parking lots(entry blocked)... all lit up, decorated and with piped music streaming in the air in a city of harmony... famous swan city in the making... SIBU balance served free...

therejangriver 说...

Well, if you display the tables & chairs and anythings with 4 legs outside your shops, you gotto pay taxes to the local authority. Whatever left or Right, it's a good idea just like Bintang Walk.But don't litter!!

ss 说...


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